Rides - Month View
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Windsor Railway Station Car Park
The Gardens Club Cafe, City Botanic Gardens
Our Club Annual General Meeting to be held at the City Botanical Gardens Cafe 8 am till 9 am
Suncorp Stadium - Caxton St End
Join us for a 180k ride with great scenery and quiet roads and options for shorter / flatter rides if you prefer. This ride was initially intended as a 3 Peaks training ride but everybody is welcome to ride as much or little as you want.
Nundah Cycle Track to Town Hall Bakery, Sandgate via Jim Soorley Bikeway and quiet streets. Social ride.
Windsor Railway Station Car Park
Lota Railway Station Car Park
Social ride. Nundah Cycle Track to Town Hall Bakery, Sandgate. Bikeways and quiet streets
Windsor Railway Station Car Park
Leisurley ride from Kalinga park
Starting at the Crit track at 6.30 am, following the Kedron Brook Bikeway all the way to Brookside Shopping Centre then follow the Ferny Grove train line on local streets to the Ferny Grove station then the Rail Trail to Samgord village via Samford Valley roads. Speed to be 25 to 27 km/hr. Coffee at the Samford Bakery then home. Total distance just over 70 km.
See the route here on Map My Ride
Ride Leader Paul Glennon 0421 638 059
Social ride from the Nundah Cycle Track to the Town Hall Bakery, Sandgate on bikeways and quiet streets.
Join us for a 190k ride with great scenery and quiet roads with options for shorter / flatter rides if you prefer. This was initially intended as a 3 Peaks training jaunt but everybody is welcome to ride as much or little as you want.
Windsor Railway Station Car Park
Social ride from the Nundah Cycle Track to the Town Hall Bakery, Sandgate on bikeways and quiet streets.