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Whats ON in March

Paul Glennon | Published on 2/29/2024

The great escape from Humidity worked a treat for those on the Tour of Tasmania,…and as I recall Crowded House lyrics say, ‘Take the weather with you’,…I wish I could, as 11 degrees overnight was heaven. (Hard to believe I actually said that,..)

So, The Leap Year delay for the change of season sees some interesting rides populating the calendar.

Good ole St Patricks Sun Day has three rides to choose from.

John Stevens 2 Points from Gumdale, a regular 6.30 am Sunday ride now (Thanks John), Aileen Franklin’s ‘Made Easy River Loop’ leaving opposite the Regata Hotel at 7.30 am and Trevor Bond’s Bridges Ride (9 in this case) under the banner ‘The Story Bridge will be GREEN on this Day’ for a 6.30 start from Hamilton

Each of these rides are detailed on the calendar for Sunday 17th March. Please consider one suitable for you.

This Sunday 3th, Iain Moore has a steady paced ride ‘Brunch - Nudgee Beach’ leaving Kalinga Park at 7.30.

The following weekend Peter Brennan’s Kingaroy Supported Tour leaving Nanango Saturday morn,…times vary with each speed group. All the riders are locked in and ready. Will be a fun weekend if you’ve been lucky enough to get a spot. Registrations are closed, however the next one is the Noosa Tour on the weekend of the 18th May.

On Saturday 16th we have our Club Get Together at Lonely’s cafe Montague Rd West End from 8 am onwards. A fabulous roll up last year. A beaut venue. See you there.

The mid week regular rides being Tuesday’s ‘Alt Oasis’ to Sandgate and Thursday’s ‘Redcliffe Run’ and the ‘Coffee at the Beach’ rides are on the calendar with all the details.

Over the coming months the calendar has a number of unique overnight rides to consider. Like two loop rides in and around Stanthorpe for April 11th with 22 registered to date.

Please keep a close watch on the Calendar, if you are looking for something a little different.

That’s it for the moment.


Go Well,..Be Safe,...Have FUN,

The BBTA Team