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Whats on in February

Paul Glennon | Published on 2/1/2024

Oh the Club AGM is done and dusted,…did you miss it.
Just 2 weeks back with 22 members present and 3 apologies.

Congratulations to the seven member Management Committee who were all returned to their positions from last year. Thank you for the continual contributions you guys make to this Club. It does NOT go unnoticed.

This month Iain Moore has put on four Sunday morning rides, each at a leisurely steady pace of 15 to 17 km/hr around 20 to 30 kms starting at 7.30 am.

Well that sounds very interesting to me. We have Nudgee Beach ride from Kalinga Park on 4th, a short river loop from Yeronga on 11th , Tea and scones right on top of the Gateway bridge on 18th (this ones gotta be popular) and Windsor to Samford and back by train on 25th. So,…perfect for smelling the roses while keeping fit.

Oh,.. John Stevens is away this February, so his 2 points from Gumdale ride will not run until March when he gets back.

I really want to have a BIG Shout OUT for our great Ride Leaders.
Not just Iain Moore and John Stevens mentioned here, but Daryl Beattie, Ian Chant, Trevor Bond, Micheal Brennan, Margaret Carey, Alan Stevens, Aileen Franklin, Peter Brennan, David Dowling, Lawrence Ferrari, Bruce Edge, Alex Geels and Helen Walker.

These are the Leaders that have rides on the calendar this year. So Many Thanks to each of you.

If this sounds like a broken record, then thats fine with me,… ‘Ride Leaders keep this great Club going strong,…

Just yesterday morning I received an email from Helen Walker putting on a multi day Cobb and Co Cycle Tour to celebrate the centenary of the last Cobb and Co coach ride in Australia from Surat to Yuleba on the Darling Downs. Its down for mid August. Lets get right behind this event and make it a fun 6 day tour with a festival flavor,…

Oh,.. Peter Brennan’s Kingaroy Supported Weekend Tour is down for early next month 9th and 10th March. 30 riders are registered and keen. If you want to experience another fabulous weekend away email Peter on to get the details as registration closes on Friday 23th February. I’ll be there,…

The regular rides are on the calendar to see. These are Iain Moore’s Saturday Arvo Ride, Alan Steven’s Alt Oasis to Sandgate on Tuesday and the Redcliffe Run on Thursday along with Daryl Beattie’s Coffee at the Beach.

So,..The New Club Jersey Sub Committee have held their inaugural meeting already and are off and running,….the Management Committee will have their input too,….but also I intend to invite a handful of members to act as a sounding and advisory group when we do have something to show.

And the Club will launch a low key Survey for members (of what rides you do and what you are looking for) in the coming month or so. We are just reviewing what platforms may be suitable to launch if from,…or it may just be in the form of an email.

Those of you who ride mountain bikes or off road touring bikes and have enjoyed Bicycle Queensland events in the past, may be interested in a 3 day base camp event coming up on the Boyne Burnet Rail Trail early May. It looks exciting to me,..and I’m going.
If it interests you, please check it out at

I jump on a plane this Saturday noon to join David Dowling’s BBTA Tour of Tasmania,..the eastern half over the next 3 weeks. Just 5 of us, so it’ll be great. I also get to drop in on two other bbta club members living in Tassie as well,..

Well thats it for now,…keep the home fires burning with plenty of peddling and coffee to go,…

Go Well,..Be Safe,...Have FUN,

The BBTA Team