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Whats ON in November

Paul Glennon | Published on 11/2/2023
Just in the door from the Victorian High Country Rail Trail out of Wodonga. A premier two day ride along the huge Lake Hume. We looped back around the hydro scheme dam in what can only be described as one of the best trails on offer,…just missing snow capped peaks that NZ and Euro trails enjoy. If you get a chance, pop down and discover it.

Lawrence Ferrari and the Bushrangers and Tigers touring team are currently on The Great Victorian Rail Trail sleeping out at Alexandra as we go to press. Touring may not be your thing,….but it does get you well off the beaten track to soak in nature at its best. These tours are available to all of us. If they interest you, please give me a Hoy,…

So,..Melbourne Cup month of November sees Peter Brennan’s Warwick Supported Tour down for the   weekend of the18th and 19th. Registrations are still open for the next three days till this Saturday. With 27 riders and 10 supporters it is always a fabulous weekend away. Please consider.

Bruce Edge’s Samford Pony Trails is on again Saturday week the 11th at 7.30 am. I went last month and loved it. Please contact Bruce beforehand if you are unsure about your bike or skills,…however the ride is well worth jumping in to enjoy the scenic trails.

John Steven’s 2 Points from Gumdale is a regular Calendar ride leaving each Sunday morn from the Eastside Shopping Village at 6.30 am. I would like to see more members come along. Its a great ride and I ask that you support John and join him every so often. Please consider.

Our next PrePlanning session for Rides for next year, is Friday week the 10th kicking off from 4 pm,…
We’ll be nutting out great rides to throw in the mix focussing on variety and interest.
So,..don’t be fooled by the venue,….Breweries often bring out engaging discussions,…
Be there if you want to play your part in a very social and Active Club,…

The other regular rides, being Tuesdays Alt Oasis  and Thursdays Redcliffe Run and the Coffee at the Beach rides are there on the Calendar to see.

And straight off the bat next month is our Club Breakfast at our fab venue the City Botanical Gardens Cafe Sunday 3th December 8 am onwards,….You can register now,….

Well thats all for now,….

Go Well,..Be Safe,....Have fun,..

The BBTA Team