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2023 To the Cork Tree

Lawrence Ferrari | Published on 9/3/2023

To the Cork Tree – Aug 23



11 riders assembled at Stanthorpe for a weekend tour of the granite belt.


After a quick stop at the bakery for a coffee and to gather lunch supplies, the group headed off along the Mt Lindsay Road out of Stanthorpe to our destination, Tenterfield.


The day was perfect with no wind but 900m of climbing awaited us. The traffic was light and with a few regroups all made it safely into town via a stop at the Cork Tree. This tree was planted in 1861 and is believed to be the largest cork tree in Australia.


A lively dinner was held at the Royal.


Sunday was a cool day but excellent for riding. Half the route was up the New England Highway, but the verge was ok and the traffic mostly light. The remainder of the route was along the designated "Wine Trail". A shower of rain greeted the last of the riders as we rode back into Stanthorpe.


A good time was had by all. My thanks to Robert for his assistance in checking the routes and the Royal in preparation for the tour.


There were no flat tyres, arrests or hospitalisations.

For other photos click here


Lawrence Ferrari

The Bearded Cyclist

Glen AlpinTenterfieldTenterfield 2Tenterfield 3The Cork Tree