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Whats ON in June

Paul Glennon | Published on 6/1/2023

You would be forgiven for thinking that winter arrived weeks ago when temperatures plummeted below 10 degrees, but theres no mistake now,..ITS here,…with gorgeous days to enjoy.

So,..How did you go with downloading the new bbta phone App,..?
Please lets us know if you need a hand here.

We are asking everyone to register for rides now, as its a simple straight forward 3 click process.

This month there are no special rides on, just the regular ones.
These include Tuesdays Alt Oasis to Sandgate, Thursdays Coffee at the Beach and Redcliffe Run, then Saturday Arvo ride and Sundays 2 Points from Gumdale.
Please see the calendar for all the details.

Now our bi monthly Club Get Together is on Saturday week the 10th from 8 till 10 at Lovewells Cafe right on top of Mount Gravatt. Magic views. Please register.


Over the coming weeks and months you will see some new content coming onto the website. This will include stories and photos of interesting rides and social times within the club. So it you have a couple of pics and something of interest we would love to hear from you.
Please contact Peter Skinner on

Now we are Introducing Interest Groups where you get to say what aspects to riding you enjoy and want to be kept in touch, with happenings in these groups ahead on time and notice on the calendar.

Interest groups are a way for part of the club to be in touch with members about events and rides they are interested in without filling up mail boxes of other members who aren’t. We currently have four interest groups they are

-Ian Chant's Special Rides - Ian coordinates a series of once off rides and events typically mid week but sometimes on the weekends. If you want e-mail updates about these rides instead of just seeing them on the calendar, join this interest group.

-Tuesday Thursday Group - Alan Stevens runs regular rides on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. If you want to hear about updates to these rides join this interest group.

-Unsupported Touring Group. - These are our traditional rides of multi day touring.

-Social Saunter Group. -This group treasures slow meaningful riding, smell the roses, take photos and time to enjoy it all.

To register for these groups:
•Log in to the web site
•Click on your name at the top right and choose Profile (on the phone app tap Your Info)
•Under Website Functions click on Interests
•Tick the ones you want to join and click Save

You can go straight to that page by clicking Interests - Interests - Brisbane Bicycle Touring Association ( may need to log in first as this page only works for logged in members.

So,…please consider any of the above 4 interest groups to register, if you choose to.

Well,….thats it for now.


Go Well,..Be Safe,...Have FUN,

The BBTA Team