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Whats ON in May

Peter Damm | Published on 3/7/2023
Hi Everyone,

Whats ON in MAY

Just back from our Clubs inaugural Discover Murwillumbah Weekend. We had 17 riders for Saturday’s pedal up the recently opened Northern Rivers Rail trail. Sundays ride was equally spectacular via Tyalgum and Uki.  So,…thank you to Craig Jones, Bruce Edge and Calum Campbell for organising the weekend. We plan to continue to Discover more of this region and others too, incorporating additional activities that compliment biking.

Lawrence Ferrari has two really enjoyable weekend tours planned. The first starts this Saturday 6th out of Crows Nest for ‘A Wild One at Cooyar’. Over to Cooyer and back, camp behind the pub. Quiet country pubs have their charm and this one is no exception. Some hills, but you’ll love them come Saturday evening. So, jump in.  For something less strenuous consider ‘Going Potty’,..a two day weekender 27th and 28th. The plan is Varsity Lakes to Pottsville and back. So, leave the car at home and enjoy fun times with a great bunch,..

Iain Moore has his Saturday Arvo ride on the 6th and the 15th. Perfect for beginners with a slow and enjoyable time ensured.

The regular mid week rides of Tuesday’s Alternative Oasis ride to Sandgate and Thursdays Redcliffe Run and the Coffee at the Beach in Sandgate are on the calendar.

The next piece of exciting news is the Club is definitely changing the current Website that we have been wanting to ‘move on’ for the past umpteen years. As you know the website is clunky, cumbersome with back end functional plug ins that often fail to perform.  So, we are obtaining a licence to use the ClubExpress platform which is a fully functioning tool used by hundreds of bike clubs. We will have own BBTA phone App for you to download and our own unique website that we can very easily edit, add photos and content as we please. The App will have chat and rsvp functionality and heaps more features.

So, to set you up with a basic understanding of it capability we are putting on a Social Night, three weeks tomorrow being Wednesday 24th May at the Grange BCC Library 6.30 for a 7 pm start.  We have a ‘Damm’ great presenter as in Peter D running through the Hows and to answer all you questions,… so Not to be missed,…you’ll be somewhat behind if you don’t come along,…

Oh,…we’ll be going LIVE with this NEW Website and phone APP this month of MAY,…. with the old Website laid to rest.

Well, thats it,….Look forward to seeing you on your bike and at our Social Night 24th.

Go Well,…Be Safe,…Have FUN,..

The BBTA Team