Our 2025 Planning Meeting
Ian Chant | Published on 1/31/2025
The planning meeting yesterday had 18 attendees and there was plenty of discussion about rides and social activities for the coming year. Below is a photo of the group. We discussed:-
- Setting up a BBTA What's App Community Group to allow chat between members and then individual What's App groups for specific rides as has happened previously for the Stanthorpe and Scenic Rim rides.So keep an eye out for an update on this.
- For mid-week overnight rides, like the upcoming Stanthorpe ride, we will set up two speed groups and in some cases a shorter route for those riders that want to take their time and smell the roses.
- One rider wanted all of the rides sent out in a one page document with the a short ride description so it can be placed on his fridge for reference, I will try to set this up for download later in February when more ride details are confirmed.
A the start of the meeting Micheal, pictured below, was quick to say he would run the Straddie ride again. He was suggesting April 29 but it was subject to other events so keep an eye out for this ride.
We also discussed potential other events like:-
- a couple of days on the Downs Burnett Cycle trail
- the Landsborough Loop Ride via the Old Dularcha train tunnel had a lot of interest so it will be definitely on so keep an eye out for it
- the first day of the Sunny Coast ride was discussed with some members and the route will now get rearranged a bit following a reconnassiance run but the date will remain the same.
You may already know that Trevor Bond has a mission to climb Mt. Cootha every year on his birthday. The photo below shows that he was very attentive when we were discussing Toowoomba's Ride the Range, particularly the sections that were 16% or more.
All in all the planning meeting went well and thanks for everyone's contribution. The three wise men below seem to give the meeting the nod.