Last nights super blue moon certainly lit up the new Spring sky,… as River fire will surly do tomorrow evening,…. (of course that has absolutely nothing to do with riding our bikes)
Not long in the door from a 600 km mountain bike ride up two premier Rail Trails, Wulkuraka to Kilkivan, then onto Hervey Bay for the opening of a new 11km section from Maryborough. Bicycle Queensland’s Andrew Demack led a small group all the way.
These non BBTA rides are open to others, but we likewise can put them together, if there is enough interest.
However, two to five day tours can be just as interesting and plenty of fun, as Lawrence Ferrari is finding by planning and leading a short tour every month. Thank you Lawrence.
So, this month we have seven regular rides, with one being an annual ride and our Club Breakfast.
The Club Breakfast is Sunday week the 10th at
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Cafe
578 Royal Esplanade
8 am to 10 with 17 registered at present. If you are having difficulty registering please let me know and I’ll help you get it done.
Alex Geels annual ride up to Mount O’Reilly from Canungra is definitely on this coming Tuesday morning meeting at 7.45 am. We have 5 riders registered at present,…we would like a few more. Prefect weather predicted,..Please consider.
Bruce Edge’s Samford Pony Trails is a beau ride in the lush Samford Valley. I see it as a must do ride if you have a gravel or mountain bike sitting in the shed. Not difficult and capably led,… you’ll be very pleased you decided to go. Please consider.
John Steven’s ‘2 points from Gumdale’ is likewise a beaut ride and needs more support. Three riders are regulars but I would like to see 5 and upwards ride. This is not just for south siders as its easy to get on a Sunday morning. Not only that, the ride takes in several Bayside suburbs and many paths right on the coast. Please consider.
Iain Moore’s Saturday Arvo ride is perfect for anyone returning from an injury and new riders for sure. However, I would like to see members drop in on this ride every now and then, Its social and keeps running with support. Please consider.
Likewise Bruce Edge’s Wednesday Sandgate Cruise is a ride to throughly enjoy,…talkable speed,…reasonable distance,…if you have a road bike, take a hybrid,…There are plenty of members in the Club who would really enjoy this ride. At the moment, there are a handful of regular riders. I think this ride could regularly have 5 to 10 riders. Please consider.
The other regular rides are Alan Steven’s Tuesday Alt Oasis ride to Sandgate, Thursdays Redcliffe Run and Daryl Beatie’s Thursday Coffee at the Beach ride. All three rides are well attended. So Thank you to the regulars on theses rides.
Two final points.
Lawrence Ferrari has mentioned that his premier 17 day Bushrangers and Tigers unsupported tour through central Victoria in October taking in two fabulous Rail Trails is now full with 12 rides. So that is terrific for those who will ride. We look forward to our Rides Reporter keeping us in the loop as pics and commentary come into his hands.
And finally, Alex Geels has drawn attention to the December 12th Christmas Dinner and drinks at the Queensland Maritime Museum and The Ship Inn has 5 spots left. See the Calendar for all the details.
Well thats it till we penn again,…See you at the Club Breakfast Sunday week,…
Go Well,...Be Safe,... Have Fun,.....
The BBTA Team