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HomeRidesAlan Stevens Ride to Deception Bay

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Alan Stevens Ride to Deception Bay

About this event

Lets meet Alan Stevens for coffee at the Zesty Lemom Cafe Deception Bay.

From Toombul Crit Track following the well-established Thursday ride route. Going over the Ted Smout Bridge as you come off the bridge (27.5k) we take the cycle track to the right taking us under the Houghton Hwy’s onto Elizabeth Ave, Snook St, bearing left at the junction of Boardman Rd (32.0k) on to Anzac Ave bear right onto Deception Bay Rd (35.8k) Turning right onto Bailey Rd (39.5k) turning right onto Bayview Rd (40.5k) for coffee at the Zesty Lemon Café (41.0k) meeting up with Alan Stevens. From here we follow Deception Bay with a selection of roads and cycle tracks to Nathan Rd (47.0k) turning left, turning right onto Lakeview Promenade (47.5k) taking the second exit at the roundabout bringing you onto Lakeview Promenade at the next roundabout take the first exit onto Spinnaker Blvd at the next roundabout first exit onto Griffith Rd, turning left onto Newport Drive, turning right onto Endeavour Esplanade. Making your way back to Redcliffe to Toombul Crit Track (91.0k)
Note 1 Elizabeth Ave, Snook St, Anzac Ave and Deception Bay Rd all have a good shoulder to ride on
Note 2 Suggestion Using the same format as the Thursday ride let the faster rider go ahead meeting up at the Zesty Lemon Café. Leaving the Zesty Lemon café stay as a group through Deception Bay and Newport to Griffith Rd then if the faster group wants to go ahead back to the crit track. From Griffith Rd there are plenty of options back to the start I’m sure we all have a favourite, your choice

Approx 91k return
Pace Grading MF = Moderately Fast (speedo average 24-26kph
Date and time Thursday 7th Nov 6.30 am to 11.00am

Date and Time

Thursday, November 7, 2024, 6:30 AM until 11:00 AM


Nundah Cycle Track
116 Hedley Ave
Nundah, QLD  4021

Ride Leader / Coordinator(s)

Paul Glennon
0421638059 (p)


Day Ride

Registration Info

Registration is required